So-tech Smart Ordering for Hospitality industry

SO-Tech Wealth Creation for You!

Executive Summary

Eki Digital Multipurpose Coy Ltd. is a technology company focused on providing self-ordering solutions to the hospitality industry. Our brand, SO-tech Dine-in Self-order is designed to help restaurants, lounges, bars, hotels, clubs, resorts, and beaches improve their customer service and increase revenue. We are passionate about creating wealth for our partners who serve as referrals to our company. Our multi-level marketing strategy focuses on building wealth among our partners by offering referral bonuses and subscription fees for our technology solutions.

Market Analysis.

The hospitality industry is a rapidly growing market, with millions of customers visiting restaurants, lounges, bars, hotels, clubs, resorts, and beaches every day. However, the industry faces challenges such as slow service, human error, and inefficient processes. These challenges affect customer satisfaction and revenue for business owners. SO-tech Dine-in Hospitality provides a solution to these challenges by offering self-ordering technology solutions that improve efficiency and customer service. Our technology solutions include a user-friendly interface, customizable menus, and real-time data analytics. This will enable our partners to provide excellent customer service, increase revenue, and build customer loyalty.

Business Model

Our business model is based on a multi-level marketing strategy, where our partners serve as referrals to our company. Partners can refer new subscribers to use our SO-tech Dine-in Hospitality technology solutions in their businesses, and they will earn referral bonuses and monthly subscription fees commission. The more referrals a partner has, the more income they can earn. We also offer training and support to our partners to ensure they have the necessary skills to sell and promote our products.

Marketing and Sales

Our marketing strategy will focus on digital marketing, social media marketing, and direct sales. We will leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others to reach our target audience. We will also partner with industry associations and trade shows to showcase our products and generate leads. Our direct sales team will target businesses that are not yet using self-ordering solutions and explain the benefits of our technology solutions.

Financial Plan

Our revenue is dependent on the daily usage of our technology in business venues and installation and setup costs. We project that we will generate $5 million in revenue in our first year of operation, with a net profit of $1 million. Our projection growth for referral partners who join our network business is 20% per year. We plan to invest 20% of our revenue in marketing and sales to ensure that we continue to generate new leads and increase our customer base.

Growth and Expansion

Our long-term plan is to expand our business to other industries such as retail and healthcare. We also plan to expand our product offerings to include mobile ordering and payment solutions. We will continue to focus on building wealth for our partners by offering referral bonuses and monthly subscription fees.

In conclusion, Eki Digital Multipurpose Coy Ltd. is committed to providing self-ordering technology solutions to the hospitality industry. Our multi-level marketing strategy focuses on building wealth among our partners by offering referral bonuses and subscription fees for our technology solutions. With our user-friendly interface, customizable menus, and real-time data analytics, our technology solutions will help our partners improve efficiency, customer service, and revenue. We look forward to working with our partners to achieve our vision of creating wealth for our generation.